Expected results

Once carried out the actions of the project, the expected results are as follows:


Restoring around 325 ha of the Dupont’s lark habitat, this represents between 33 and 81 of potential areas that are inadequate or with a poor quality. Considering that these territories involve a 50% occupancy rate, this can lead to a population increase of 15-40 breeding pairs.


Maintaining traditional sheep pastures in areas of potentially appropriate habitat for the Dupont’s lark.


Identifying and defining agrienvironmental measures that are improving the quality of the habitat of the Dupont’s lark and other species of birds associated to the natural vegetation steppes from the scientific evaluation of the relationship between the traditional extensive grazing and the food availability. (entomofauna)


Valuing and improving the social perception of the Dupont’s lark and its habitat among local populations in the southern part of Soria.


Integrating the areas where the Dupont’s lark is present into ornithological tourism circuits


Defining management measures and improving the network of protected areas of the Autonomous Community of Castile and León aimed at conserving the Dupont’s lark and other steppe birds. The expected practical management suggestions will mainly focus on:
  • Managing the habitat, for example, the appropriateness of realising forest clearance, maintaining or promoting extensive grazing.

  • Planning at local and regional levels, through the identification of critical areas to ensure the connectivity between populations in the southern part of Soria.

  • Creating management plans of protected areas where the Dupont’s lark is present, through the definition of criteria for the zoning according to activities.

Defining management criteria and including the conservation to the National Conservation Strategy and the Conservation Plan in Castile and León, legal tools at the preparation stage with the participation of the TEG-UAM (Ecological Research and Ecosystem Preservation Group).