The objectives of the project

The main objective of the LIFE Ricotí Project, “Protection of the Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti) and its habitat in Soria (Spain)” is to improve the state of conservation of the Dupont’s lark and its habitat in the southern cities of Soria, without forgetting the socio-economic environment in which it grows. This is a unique project in the region of Castile and León, since it brings together the efforts of public administrations at local, regional and provincial levels with the efforts of private entities, along with the scientific endorsement of the Autonomous University of Madrid. This project focuses on coordinated efforts by different actors and it is an example of understanding to promote the conservation of the biodiversity, the territory and its inhabitants.

The project is composed of 8 partners (the Autonomous University of Madrid, coordinating partner, the Regional Government of Castile and León, the Provincial Deputation of Soria, Mancomunidad de Obras y Servicios de Corpes, Fundación Patrimonio Natural de Castilla y León, Estudios Ambientales SL, Innovación y Desarrollo SL and Actividades, Estudios y Proyectos en el Medio Natural SL. The estimated investment amounts to 3,347,601 euros and counts on the EU’s financial support of 2,505,795 euros. The project will be developed over four years and a half, until the year 2021, the province of Soria is its scope of action.


Map of the project’s scope of action and the distribution of species in the southern part of Soria



Specific objectives that have been established are as follows:


Conserving and improving the Dupont’s lark population in the southern part of Soria (‘Altos de Barahona’ and ‘Páramo de Layna’ Special Protection Areas) this represents approximately taking action on 15% of the population in Europe.
Increasing the habitat availability through direct habitat restoration measures and encouraging the livestock management in “Altos de Barahona” and “Páramo de Layna” Special Protection Areas (SPAs), both being study areas of the LIFE Ricotí Project.


Evaluating the relationship between the habitat quality and the viability of the Dupont’s lark population within the framework of the conservation strategies.
Defining the criteria for the habitat management, it will be integrated in the National Conservation Strategy in Spain and in the Dupont’s lark Conservation Plan in Castile and León.


Improving the level of awareness and social valuation of the species among the local population


The target objectives involve designing and implementing the specific measures to protect the Dupont’s lark and its habitat, to manage the SPAs, to restore its habitat and to involve it in the local population.